a blog post about art that I liked

howdy! this is from Aaron Hertzman's blog and it's about how different communities respond to AI art based on different definitions of art. I totally forget how this blog ened up in my bookmarks but I think it's pretty narly.

I really got to make a page for stickers linking to all the dope neocites pages I've been seeing so far. I guess I should also make a voidtext button. That would be really hype.

When I was in highschool I was lowkey obsessed with Andy Warhol. I still have the flowers as my background on my labtop. I just think he was a really interesting character. I was able to see some of his work at a thing they had Whitney a few years back. It was so sick.


I was digging around the garage and I found this really old painting that I made on this foam posterboard. I was really into making stencils for spraypainting, so this was just a picture of donald duck and a rose I copied in black and mint-green spray paint over and over again. It was really silly. I'll have to share a picture here sometime in the future.

Still working on Mythologies, Marx/Engels Reader, and also the Elements of Style by Strunk and White. Almost done with Shirly Jackons's Haunting of Hill House. Really excited to finish all these up and move on. Hopefully Strunk & White makes these posts a little more smoother lol, the last one was kind of rough.

I really got to make a page for stickers linking to all the dope neocites pages I've been seeing so far. I guess I should also make a voidtext button. That would be really hype.
