Can't sleep and I thought about how I could write something here if I felt like it. Sometimes it's hard for me to wrap my head around the absoulute freedom a blog allows. Your post could be literally anything. I guess I get hung up in the idea of trying to make them cool, deep, interesting, impressive, thoughtful yadda yadda yadaa so I just sort of kick it down the road to the perpetual future. But that's very goofy and dumb. You can just say whatever the fuck you want.
me, everyday, all the timeThis sleep situation is particularly concering, since it's gonna be an early morning. I need to be on a bus to NYC at 7:30 in the AM, which means getting up at likkke 6:00ish if I wanna do all my shit before running out the door. At this point, though, there's a solid chance I hit snooze till 7:00 and just be a mess the whole day. That's fine I guess. But honestly, I'm coming up on 2:30 AM so it's possible I'm in the midst of one of my famous pointless all-nighters.
I haven't been reading this week because a book I'm reading told me not to for a week. It's been an interesting exercise. It defintiely does open up room for more thinking and pondering on late nights when you're not sure what else to do with your brain. I also figured out how to measure myself before going on a journey to a local thrift store to find jeans that actually fit me (finnally). I charged my brother's old game boy advance sp and fired up Super Mario Advance. This game is actually one of the few remaining artifacts from what was once a pretty robust collection of gameboy games / general retro gaming phase in middle school.
Fuck, this is fun. I'm having fun. There's a solid chace I stay up updating the site. It's better than trying to force myself to fall asleep, which almoast always gurentees that I do not fall asleep.