good morning. it snowed around where i am but it's a kind of ugly, icy snow. i'll be leaving soon. i'm thinking of moving sometime in the near future, but i'm still looking around. it's tough finding places.
oh, i did end up accomplishing that 100 day book goal for last year. kind of bullshit but technically true. maybe at some point i'll bring out a complete list and you might see what i mean. my reading has been sort of sporadic since then, i've started like five or six books but have only finished like two or three. i'm participating in the schizoanalysis project reading group that a bunch of theory podcasts are doing, which is reading Anti-Oedipus by Deleuze and Guattari over the course of the year. it's been interesting to finnally dig into it so far. i'm interested to see what emerges as we get more into it.
the language in the book is very difficult - it's kind of famous for that, but it's also not...that hard to read? some paragraphs and sections are defintiely easier than others. But it is difficult to sort of grasp the totality of their points, just because it feels so airy and abstract to me right now. but I've only read the first chapter so maybe things will get more concrete as it moves on.
i was reading this substack post about learning stratagies and it got me thinking, even if I didn't necessarily love it (it reccomends using ai chatbots). I do worry that I run into a kind of stagnency when I'm trying to learn things, and it makes me question if I'm trying to learn for the wrong reasons. but i'm trying not stress out about things like that anymore.